Breeding Philosophy
The Red Diamond breeding philosophy is quite simple....quality vs quantity. We are not a breeding kennel. The reason? Our intention is not to produce litters just to sell puppies. We breed with the intention of keeping a puppy or two ourselves or close to us out of each litter and then place the remaining puppies into qualified homes. Put simply we have a stake in the game with every litter we produce....each litter is an investment in the future of our breeding program.
The goal of the Red Diamond breeding program is to produce healthy Vizslas with good conformation, sound temperament that are fabulous companions. Every stud dog selected to sire a Red Diamond litter of puppies has been thoughtfully researched. In most cases we have personally spent time with the dog and/or know some of his get and we have placed our hands on the dog to evaluate soundness. We tend to like outcross breedings or distant line breedings because they go further to guarantee healthy dogs. Inbreeding (unethical) and tight line breeding tend to double up on any health issues or undesired traits within a breeder's line or genetic pool. Our sires are never chosen for convenience. Some have come from as far as Maryland, Texas, and Ohio. It is more costly to use a dog that is not local but we have found if that is the right choice for a particular breeding profile, the results are better and more competitive dogs for us. The research into a stud dog can take months or years. Health and temperament are of upmost priority. All of our mating partners have undergone extensive health testing and the results of those tests are pubically recorded at www.offa.org.

As a member of the Vizsla Club of America, we adhere to a strict Breeder Code of Ethics. Each puppy is adopted with a 3 year health guarantee, a lifetime of support and our adoption contract stipulates we have first right of refusal should a puppy owner's life change and they can not longer care for the puppy. This is to ensure NO Red Diamond puppy ever ends up in a shelter or rescue. Each puppy adoption is looked as an addition to our Red Diamond family....not a business transaction. We are more than willing to mentor anyone who wishes to compete with their puppy.
The first 8 weeks of each litter is documented with a puppy blog so that perspective owners, friend and families can follow the progress of the litter and whether near or far....can have as much fun as we do with the puppies. We follow a "Developing Super Learners" protocol that begins at three days old with Early Neurological Stimulation. The puppies are socialized inside and outside of the home, they meet new people and are exposed to a variety of sights and sounds all designed to build the foundation of a wonderful companion.
Due to the huge investment of time and effort that goes into each Red Diamond litter, we are very selective when it comes to placing our puppies. I caution perspective owners that it may take 4-6 months of waiting for a puppy from the right litter from a reputable breeder. Please refer to the Information link above and review "Things to Consider Before Adoptioning." This page will help you decide if a Vizsla is the right breed for you. If you wish to discuss adopting a Red Diamond puppy or explore if the Vizsla is the right fit for your lifestyle, please use the contact form to contact us. If we do not have any litters planned, we are more than willing to help you find a reputable breeder.